Summer Camp 2021-22- Nursery & Prep- May 31- June 11, 2021

Summer Camp 2021-22- Nursery & Prep- May 31- June 11, 2021


“Tell me and I forget, teach me and I remember, involve me and I learn”, very rightly said by Benjamin Franklin. The more we involve children in hands-on activities, the better they learn and connect themselves to real life situations. Keeping this thought in mind, DPS Greater Faridabad organized Virtual Summer Camp based on ‘Creative Fun Activities & Purposeful Interaction’ for Classes Nursery and Prep from May 31, 2021 to June 11, 2021. 

A plethora of fun activities based on experiential learning, life skills, creativity and imagination were beautifully planned and successfully executed during this virtual Summer Camp. The Summer Camp started with fun filled and engaging Brain Booster Activity, challenging the young minds of our little Dipsites of Class Prep. The purpose of this activity was to encourage and develop problem solving skills and boost concentration and focus. Funny and surprised reactions of our little ones were encouraging. Summer Camp for Class Nursery started with Fun Exploration Activity- ‘Mixing of Colours’. This was followed by a range of science experiments to tickle their brains and charge up their energy levels. Every participant of Classes Nursery and Prep was excited to share his/her observation on the science experiments. It was a great learning experience for our little Einsteins. Dipsites of Class Nursery enjoyed a virtual trip to the zoo where they observed the nature, habitat and food
habits of different animals. They enacted as their favourite animal and enjoyed dancing like animals. The Dipsites of Class Prep enjoyed making ‘Crazy Maze’ with clay and ‘Fun Flash Lights’ using waste material available at home. The purpose of creating these wonderful toys / games was to promote physical playtime over digital playtime. Children were sensitized towards environmental protection on the ‘World Environment Day’. Students as well as teachers, planted a seed/sapling and took a pledge to look after it as a member of their own family. Dipsites came up with funny and crazy names for their plants like – Golu Molu, Pinky, Lemon King, Sweetu, My Little Baby, Giganto etc. Many other unique activities which focused on overall personality development along with inculcation of values and life skills such as arranging their own closet, session on table manners and etiquette, self -help skills like buttoning/unbuttoning, zipping, pouring etc were organized. Creative sessions on Art and Craft like creating – My Learning Pocket, Sock Puppet, My Fun Flash Light etc. were planned. Our tiny tots spent their time productively and constructively during the enthralling sessions of Dance, Yoga – Animal Yoga, Chair Zumba & Story Telling .Dipsites imbibed new skills and enjoyed interacting among themselves and with their teachers during purposeful interactions. They also enthusiastically participated in rapid fire quizzes during various experiential learning sessions. The Summer Camp culminated beautifully (for Class Nursery in the first week and for
Class Prep in the second week) with a power packed dance presentation by our little dancers decked up in colourful dresses and bright make up, tapping their feet on the breath-taking beats of a medley, along with their loving family members. This Summer Camp was indeed an educative, thrilling and engaging experience for our little Dipsites. We all made sweet memories together which would be cherished forever.



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