Story Telling Session Organised By The Embassy Of Slovenia- Class V-April 20, 2022

Story Telling Session Organised By The Embassy Of Slovenia- Class V-April 20, 2022


‘Raising awareness on the most pressing environmental issues of our time is more important than ever.’

Embassy of Slovenia in its bid to epitomise the vital environment concern and generate student awareness towards the sustainability development invited DPS Greater Faridabad to work with the Embassy for the great cause.  On 20th April, 2022 an hour long story telling event focusing  on ‘The Life of Bees – Why are they critical for people and the environment and the future of mankind!’ was organised online by the embassy.  The event was very enticing and  engaging

During the session the experienced story teller brightened the evening of the Dipsites from class V with a  wonderful story about the importance of bees for us and how we are in  symbiotic relationship with them. The story teller did a little brain storming session with the students wherein she posed questions like why do we need to protect insects, birds and animals?  How can they in their own way contribute towards this cause? The students came up with varied and novel ideas which were appreciated by all.

Listening to the story stimulated children to understand more about the concept of sustainable development.  It was easy for them to understand why the vital environmental concern should be everyone’s priority and put in the forefront. The story created magic and a sense of responsibility  among the young minds about the nature around us.

During the session the Dipsites crafted beautiful honey bees and as a follow up after the session they wrote short paragraphs characterizing  their crafted honey bee.

The session was attended by Her excellency  Mateja Vodeb Ghosh, Ambassador , Ms Ljubica Pevec Daruwalla, Advisor, Economic & Public Affairs,  from the Embassy of Slovenia, Ms Surjeet Khanna, the Principal and teachers from DPS Greater Faridabad.

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