Purposeful Interaction Week By Math Teachers- June 2020

Purposeful Interaction Week By Math Teachers- June 2020


Mathematics is the science of patterns, and nature exploits just about every pattern that there is.’ – Ian Stewart, a British Mathematician.

For the purposeful interaction week, teachers of Mathematics Department, designed enriching and engaging activities and videos so that students will be able to appreciate the beauty of Mathematics and understand its importance in our lives.

The first session began with a SUDOKU puzzle. It was a fun and logical based puzzle. One doesn’t require any calculation or special math skill, all that is needed are brains and concentration. Sudoku improves concentration and overall brain power. All students were excited to learn how to play SUDOKU. Most students were able to grasp the basic concept of the rules instantly. Few of them solved the puzzle in the given time during the session, while others completed it later. Students uploaded pictures after completing the puzzle on Google Classroom.

Shakuntala Devi popularly known as Human Computer once stated, “Without Mathematics, there’s nothing you can do. Everything around you is Mathematics. Everything around you is numbers.”

With this idea, a PPT related to fun mathematical facts on NUMBERS was shown to all students. They learnt about different patterns of numbers, special kind of numbers and were even introduced to few new properties that numbers exhibit.

The second session focused on helping students understand the importance of Mathematics in daily lives. Students were shown two videos, the first video showed how would life be without Mathematics. And the second video depicted the relevance of Mathematics in the field of Physics, Astronomy, Chemistry, Biology, Art, Music, Nature, etc. Students were amazed to see and realize how the world around us is filled with Math.

‘Galileo, the Father Modern Physics, very truly defined Mathematics as a language in which God has written the world’.

All students showed great enthusiasm to learn something new about the subject that was not part of their textbooks or syllabi, they were so happy that they now want such sessions to become a regular feature throughout the academic year.



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