Creative Fun Activities And Purposeful Interaction- Summer Camp 2021-22- Class I- May 31- June 11, 2021
June 11, 2021 2021-06-11 10:47Creative Fun Activities And Purposeful Interaction- Summer Camp 2021-22- Class I- May 31- June 11, 2021
Creative Fun Activities And Purposeful Interaction- Summer Camp 2021-22- Class I- May 31- June 11, 2021
Children have unique abilities and should be provided with a platform to follow their own interests and explore ideas that inspire their curiosity, grow self- confidence and become more eager to take on new adventures.
Keeping this thought in mind, an online Summer Camp on ‘Creative Fun Activities and Purposeful Interaction’ was organized from May 31-June 11, 2021.During this summer camp our young Dipsites of Class-I embarked on the journey of constructive learning where they were engaged in hands-on learning experiences and reflections.
Creative Fun Activities comprising of different art forms namely Art, Music and Dance were organized to tap the energy and enthusiasm of young learners. The activities enabled in unveiling and exploring their interests by creating magical art fish, paper craft dragonfly, etc. They also learnt about the Seven Notes of Music and played it on piano; sang western as well as Indian songs and prayers. Dance sessions helped them to develop their strength, endurance and co-ordination too.
To enable students understand today’s dynamic world, promote logical thinking and hone their social skills, a variety of themes were introduced to the students. The young Dipsites discovered about the Fascinating World of Bees, Space Travelers, Amazon Rainforest, and The Lost Bird-House Sparrow and were spell-bound to explore about the Life Underwater. Let’s Talk Science, enhanced their knowledge about objects that float and sink in water. Exploring Emotions empowered them to not only identify the various emotions, but also equipped them with techniques to channelize and express them in a positive way. Table Manners and Happy Healthy Living, cultivated interest in etiquettes and mannerism to equip them to be better citizens.
The hands-on nature of experiential learning was highly motivating for students. It enabled participants to be curious, creative, to think critically, and feel empowered to participate in issues that affect the community and the world around them. These assorted activities helped students boost their self-esteem, develop leadership capabilities and develop multi-dimensional skill set. Many parents attended the sessions very passionately and appreciated the school’s effort for organizing an enriching Summer Camp for their wards.