Celebrating Hope And Gratitude Day- Class IV- Apr 22, 2021
May 22, 2021 2021-05-22 16:25Celebrating Hope And Gratitude Day- Class IV- Apr 22, 2021
Celebrating Hope And Gratitude Day- Class IV- Apr 22, 2021
“You Just Don’t Know It Yet But School Is One Of The Best Places In This Planet To Exist Peacefully”…… anonymous.
As our Dipsites also believe the same, we at Delhi Public School Greater Faridabad were exulted and excited to celebrate our school’s eighth birthday on 22nd April,2021. We along with our Grade 4 Dipsites together as a family celebrated this joyful occasion as ‘Hope and Gratitude Day “with great zest and enthusiasm. The celebration of Hope and Gratitude Day allowed the students and teachers to celebrate the broad meaning of gratitude in a variety of ways and helped inculcate and nurture social and moral values .The students reminisced their happy and positive moments spent in the school during their educational journey. Student’s positive reflection has been very evident in their videos, performances and artwork. Through a video , our Principal Ma’am, Ms Surjeet Khanna enlightened the students with her words of wisdom and provided a ray of hope by instilling confidence in the students to face the ongoing pandemic. Grade 4 also celebrated the 51st Earth Day with a happy heart and jubliant spirits. An interactive session on endangered species was planned and students were encouraged to share and contribute their thoughts. They were sensitized towards spreading the greens and protecting our wildlife. The celebration was indeed a joy to behold.