Autumn- The Season of Love and Warmth
September 27, 2024 2024-10-14 14:46Autumn- The Season of Love and Warmth
Autumn- The Season of Love and Warmth
“Autumn is a second spring when every leaf is a flower.”
Celebrating seasons as they come and go is one of the most natural, human traditions we can embrace. Keeping this in mind class II C and II D organized an assembly on September 27, 2024 on the theme ‘Autumn- The Season of Love and Warmth.’ The comperes extended a warm welcome to everyone present. The assembly commenced by remembering the God Almighty and an alluring song ‘Sare Ke Sare….’. This was followed by an inspirational thought on autumn. The students gave relevant information about the magnificent season autumn and the facts associated with it. A stupendous dance ‘Fall, Fall’ enthralled the audience. The life lessons from the autumn season were thought provoking. They encouraged everyone to appreciate life and be happy & grateful come what may. The dance ‘Thankful..’ mesmerised each one present and got everyone singing and clapping. The assembly came to an end with the prudent and encouraging words of our elegant and graceful Headmistress Ma’am. Proud dipsites of class II – C&D thanked everyone and requested them to stay unbeleafable, keep learning and keep growing.