Welcome Assembly (VII-IX) @ 08.04.2024

Welcome Assembly (VII-IX) @ 08.04.2024


The adage “Journey of a Thousand Miles Begins with a Single Step” resonated deeply as the middle school students of Delhi Public School, Greater Faridabad, embarked on a new academic session.

On the 8th of April 2024, the vibrant Dipsites from classes VII-IX gathered for their ‘Welcome Assembly for the New Session’ that commenced with the recitation of the Gayatri mantra, followed by a prayer that reverberated with gratitude and humility, setting the tone for the day. Led by the students of the middle wing, this assembly served as a platform for fostering unity, imparting values, and establishing academic and behavioural expectations for the term ahead. Our ‘dipsites’, shared an inspiring thought for the day, igniting minds and shaping the values of our school community. The invocation of goddess Saraswati’s grace through Vandana further enriched our learning environment and encouraged scholarly pursuits. Dr. Bindu Sharma, our esteemed Principal, graced the assembly with words of wisdom, motivating students to strive for excellence and persevere in their pursuits. Ma’am also emphasized the importance of trust, vigilance, being interactive and staying focused.

During the assembly all teachers and students solemnly pledged to spread awareness about the importance of voting, emphasizing its significance in shaping our society. Furthermore, as responsible adults, the teachers committed to ensuring the exercise of this fundamental democratic right by actively participating in the electoral process.

The assembly culminated with the rendition of the national anthem, symbolizing our reverence for the rich heritage and traditions of our nation. This morning assembly not only infused us with a sense of peace and positive energy but also strengthened the bond between students and teachers, and laid the foundation for future celebrations of such occasions together and set the stage for a fulfilling and enriching academic journey ahead.



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