Celebrating Red Colour Day- Nursery- April 27, 2022
April 29, 2022 2022-04-29 16:11Celebrating Red Colour Day- Nursery- April 27, 2022
Celebrating Red Colour Day- Nursery- April 27, 2022
Can we imagine a world without colours? No, not all all! A world full of colours is always inviting, stimulating and comforting. Colours symbolize enthusiasm, life and vitality. To celebrate the joy of colours, we at DPS, Greater Faridabad organized ‘Red Colour Day’ for class Nursery on 27thApril,2022. The day started with red colour everywhere. The corridors were decorated with red coloured balloons pepping us up with passion, joy, energy and love. The Tiny Tots looked stunning dressed up in the shades of red. Students actively participated in the story narration -The Little Red Hen. Students explored red coloured objects displayed at the learning corner. They enjoyed doing free hand painting and cotton dabbing in different red coloured cut-outs. The day concluded with the ‘mystery box’ activity which helped children to sort and classify red coloured objects. Their faces were gleaming with joy and happiness. It was a fun-filled day and indeed a great learning experience.